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Writer's pictureTrue Blue Homeschool

October 2020 Update

The Covid Social Distance is still a thing and means that there isn't much road schooling happening this year. But it has provided an opportunity to dive deep into areas of interest for the kids. Emily is getting into audiobooks - although most still need to be about dragons. Tom is REALLY into his writing project these days (see below for more info).


Em - Em is currently working on the second last chapter (decimals) of Beast Academy level 4. We will finish by the end of the calendar year. She does great with math - shows a good attitude, works through the videos, comics, and questions. She is into taking really long baths and has been writing her math problems on the walls with special bath crayons lately. She also started a new math book called Pet Math and loves it. It has pull-out brochures that she uses to determine the costs of pet items for her math questions. She also got a new math book called Vet Maths but hasn't started that one yet. She has done some of her math in the bath lately.

Tom - Tom is doing a 12-week Outschool Statistics class - he is up to wk 7. It is pretty easy for him (as are most academics). He watches short instructor-led videos and answers questions online. We have also started a 150 question Algebra 1 review to keep his skills fresh as he won't be doing Algebra 2 for a couple of years (he will do Geometry first). He doesn't particularly like either of these as he is resistant to math.

Animal Studies

Em - Emily continues her twice-weekly horse riding lessons and her weekly Vet 2 class online with webinar-style instruction. We also read Amazing Animals chapter 1 and she completed several experiments from her Vet Science kit. She started a dog walking business by walking the neighbor's dog 3 times per week. Em has watched countless vet documentary shows.

Tom - Tom continued his Herpetology studies by doing fieldwork. He went frog catching ( and release) and did a Chytrid swab test on a bullfrog (came back negative when we sent the results away). He listened to a book called The Frog Scientist and watched herp related documentaries like Snake Discovery. He continues to take care of his frog, lizard, and snake. He has done several watershed/hydrology experiments including a watershed 10gallon model to understand runoff, groundwater, and water budgets.


Em - Em built a Eureka crate for STEM. She made a functioning Ukulele. She completed the editing on another YouTube video.

Tom - Tom completed a Eureka crate Lock Box. He watched tutorials to add sophisticated features to an extensive Google Sheet spreadsheet. He also watched tutorials to improve his skills in Premiere Pro and added to a Youtube video. He has done some great things in Minecraft - from helping Em set up her first server, to hosting instructional classes online, to running a horse racing game in Minecraft. He is very tech-savvy and is a resource to his friends and family.

Language Arts/Writing

Em - Em continues to dictate her Diving With Dragons story. She is working on her third month of Bravewriter Dart - This month is a book and grammar study of Finn Family Moomintroll. She is up to lesson 7 in Editor in Cheif. She is working on All About Spelling 3. She is really enjoying audiobooks and has listened to Dragon With a Chocolate Heart, Girl With a Dragon Heart, and many short dragon stories.

Tom - Tom has been passionate about his writing lately. Twice he has spent 6 hours on his book in a day - once was 2 hours on writing and 4 hours on his spreadsheet, the other day was 6 hours of writing. He did 3.5 hours today. He has a new record of 4000 words in a day. His book is up to 140,000 words. He has not done any OYAN lately.

Other Learning

Tom - Tom is participating in a Minecraft "social club" online.

Emily - Em is doing an online social club about How To Train Your Dragon.

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